
Who is a Great Disciple?

The Lost Gardens: spiritual Secrets

Who is a Great Disciple?


In pursuing spiritual enlightenment and personal growth, the concept of being a great disciple is often discussed but seldom fully understood. A great disciple is more than just a follower; they embody profound qualities that transcend ordinary existence. This article delves into the essence of a great disciple, exploring the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual dimensions that define this exalted state.

Embracing Total Silence

One of the most crucial attributes of a great disciple is the ability to embrace total silence. This silence is not merely the absence of sound but a deeper, more profound stillness transcending daily life’s noise. In this state of silence, a disciple can connect with their inner self, shedding the ego and embracing a higher state of consciousness. This inner silence allows them to listen more intently to their mentor’s teachings and the universe’s subtle whispers

Transcending Individual Existence

To become a great disciple, one must transcend individual existence. This transcendence involves letting go of personal desires, ambitions, and ego. It is about seeing oneself as part of a larger whole, a thread in the vast tapestry of life. When a disciple transcends their existence, they open themselves up to a greater understanding of their place in the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.

Working with Trees, Grass, and Flowers

When we first find ourselves close to nature, we discover a profound silence and emptiness within. This emptiness is not a void but a space of potential and possibility. It is a state of being where the mind is free from distractions, allowing for greater clarity and insight. In this silence, a disciple can contemplate the mysteries of existence and the nature of the divine

Becoming a Great Disciple to Find a Great God

To find a great God, one must first become a great disciple. This journey involves self-discovery, humility, and a commitment to personal growth. A great disciple is characterized by their unwavering dedication to their spiritual path, their willingness to learn and grow, and their ability to inspire others through their actions and words.

The Qualities of a Great Disciple

Humility and Teachability

A great disciple is humble and teachable. They recognize that they do not have all the answers and are open to learning from others, including their peers, mentors, and even the natural world. This humility allows them to absorb wisdom and grow continuously.

Commitment and Dedication

The path of a disciple is not always easy. It requires commitment and dedication to overcome challenges and stay true to one’s spiritual journey. A great disciple remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge and understanding, regardless of the obstacles they encounter.

Compassion and Empathy

Compassion and empathy are essential qualities of a great disciple. They understand the suffering of others and strive to alleviate it through their actions. This compassion extends to all living beings, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and responsibility.

Introspection and Self-Awareness

A great disciple is introspective and self-aware. They regularly reflect on their thoughts, actions, and motivations, seeking to understand themselves better and grow from their experiences. This self-awareness allows them to identify areas for improvement and strive towards becoming better individuals.

The Role of Mentorship in Discipleship

Mentorship plays a crucial role in the journey of a disciple. A great mentor provides guidance, support, and wisdom, helping the disciple navigate the complexities of their spiritual path. The relationship between mentor and disciple is built on mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment to growth.

Learning from a Mentor

A mentor offers valuable insights and perspectives that can help a disciple overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Through regular interaction and guidance, the mentor helps the disciple develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual path.

The Importance of Community

In addition to mentorship, community plays a vital role in the journey of a disciple. Being part of a supportive community provides a sense of belonging and offers opportunities for shared learning and growth. A great disciple values their community and contributes to its well-being.

Practical Steps to Becoming a Great Disciple

Daily Practice and Discipline

Developing a daily practice is essential for anyone aspiring to become a great disciple. This practice can include meditation, prayer, reflection, or any activity that fosters spiritual growth and self-awareness. Consistency and discipline are key to making meaningful progress on this path.

Engaging with Nature

Spending time in nature is another practical step. Engaging with the natural world helps ground the disciple and offers valuable lessons about the cycles of life and the interconnectedness of all things. Whether it’s gardening, hiking, or simply sitting quietly in a natural setting, these activities can deepen one’s spiritual practice.

Continuous Learning

A great disciple is always learning. This can involve reading spiritual texts, attending lectures or workshops, or engaging in discussions with fellow seekers. Continuous learning helps keep the mind open and receptive to new ideas and insights.

Acts of Service

Serving others is a powerful way to embody the qualities of a great disciple. Acts of service can take many forms, from volunteering in the community to offering support and kindness to those in need. Through service, a disciple practices compassion and contributes to the well-being of others.


Becoming a great disciple is a lifelong journey that involves embracing silence, transcending individual existence, and living in harmony with nature. It requires humility, dedication, compassion, and a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. By following these principles, one can cultivate the qualities of a great disciple and embark on a path of profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Who is a great disciple?

To become a great disciple, one must embrace total silence—transcending individual existence—and then one can truly work with trees, grass, and flowers.

Those who live in harmony with nature naturally find a balance with rivers and mountains, feeling a deep connection between the earth and the sky.

When I first found myself close to nature, I discovered deep silence and emptiness within. I realized that to find a great God, one must first become a great disciple.

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